Saturday, 26 May 2007


So today I met up with my girl Sunnah, whom I used to work with back in the days at CPW. Haven't seen that girl in TIME! Seriously, put the 2 of us together, and you get... CHAOS! That girl is crazy and sooo much fun!

We went for lunch in Andalucia, a Lebanese restaurant in town... I love that place! That is our number one hangout whenever we meet up. When you step inside, it's like stepping into an arabian cave... there's little areas where you can sit down with low tables and low sofas and cushions.... such a ncie relazing atmosphere! and the food is DIVINE. We had some lamb stew and spicy potatoes (sorry can't remember or even pronounce any of the names of these dishes!).


One of the lounge areas

After the meal, I went to college... my morning class got cancelled so I only had one class in the afternoon. After that, Hunniii picked me up from town and we went to pick up his laundry and go to Wing Yip to get stuff for Mummy, then we went back to his house to chill for a bit... and were so tired we just fell asleep haha. Then we went to watch Pirates Of The Carribean 3... oh my goodness is that a looooong film or what?!! It was like 3 HOURS!! Not the best film for someone with such a short attention span such as myself. Hunniii ended up falling asleep in it, ad I was getting so restless wondering when it was ever going to end! I mean, it's a pretty good film, but I think they should have made it shorter... after awhile it starts to lose its effect on people because we're all wondering when we can go!

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