Monday, 21 May 2007

Pale vs. Tanned

I have never understood the drastic measures people go to to get a tan. For me, I like to protect my skin and stay pale, wearing SPF 40 sunscreen on my face everyday of the year, and ensure my makeup has additional sunscreen!

Today, Becky in college once again announced that she was off to go on the sunbeds (she does this weekly), and I told her that this was not a good idea, as she has the type of skin that burns EXTREMELY easily anyway, and therefore gets very burnt every single week, thus increasing her risks of skin cancer! Of course, she would not listen, and usually after that we will jus leave her to it, but we could simply not keep our mouths shut when she said that you were not allowed to even wear sunscreen whilst on the sunbeds! That is definitely not true, as every tanning salon SELLS sunscreen!! I simply cannot understand why people actually pay money to damage their skin, especially as the sun can be extremely damaging simply on a day to day basis anyway. But then, this other girl, whom I have never spoken to in my life, started attacking everything I had said, saying that it was that Becky's skin and she can do what she wants, and said that things that we eat and are exposed to everday can also cause cancer and therefore we might as well do what we like because we'll get it anyway. She also went on to say that a lot of people are born with the risk of getting cancer anyway so it doesn't matter how much you try to avoi it, because you may get it anyway! To me, that was the stupidest line of argument ever, and I told her so, because, if we are already exposed to harmful things to begin with, why add to it? And there is a big difference between having the potential to get cancer, and actually triggering it. That girl even began personally attacking my own lifestyle, saying things like "the chocolates and crisps that you eat might trigger cancer", to which I replied "I don't eat chocolate or crisps" so HA! She went on to list other unhealthy things that I might do, each time saying that those could cause it, such as smoking and drinking, but to be honest, I don't smoke and I barely drink even a drop of alcohol so that totally ruined her argument! Anyway, she was UGLY and definitely not the kind of person who would ever even bother to treasure her appearance and therefore I just left her in her mindless rambling as I decided that nothing I could say would possibly change her narrow mind.

Urgh. I hate stupid people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shu, we live in a vanity world (kind of like a material world). It seems that everyone wants to be something we are not. You however are very fortunate that you have a beautiful complexion and are naturally beautiful.